
Sunday, July 10, 2011

My visit with Mary from the on-line cancer support group

The top photo is Mary and her husband, Jarvis. Jarvis cooked up an excellent dinner, salmon with asparagus and herbs, smashed potatoes with butter and parsley, salad, and a really good desert which Jarvis referred to as blossom, but which tasted like a miniature berry pie with ice cream on top.

The three of us conversed a lot on all kinds of subjects. It was quite an enjoyable afternoon and evening.

The bottom photo is me with Mary. We're on her deck. She has an amazing view of the Olympic mountains. We couldn't include them in the photos because they're to the west of her house, and it was near sunset so the sun was shining directly from the west. The sun would have given the photos too much glare had we tried to photograph the mountains.