
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Money Supply

 Money Supply

The problem with money is that sometimes, income inequality causes the money supply to dwindle for too many people. Rich people have way more money than they need. Middle class people have about the right amount of money to satisfy their needs. And poor people never have enough. 

Andrew Yang had part of the right idea with his concept of the universal basic income (UBI). The UBI would have been a start toward an effective anti-poverty program. 

The benefits of a UBI program are easy to appreciate. Parents could afford to either stay home and raise their children or enroll them in day care. Children would be well nourished and well educated. They would be more likely to become contributing members of society. Some of them might even grow up to be geniuses or entrepreneurs and improve the world. 

Rich people call it socialism, and the people who would actually benefit from the UBI (pretty much everyone) believe that socialism must be bad so they vote against it. And the United States, the wealthiest nation in the world, ends up with more poverty, ignorance and disease than the other six nations in the G7. 

People say that poor people shouldn't be given money because they'll waste it. Some of them will, but most of them won't. Social Security Is a fantastic anti-poverty program for old people. Some of them waste it, but most of them don't. 

The amount of money in circulation should increase as the population increases. The best way to put enough money into circulation is to give some newly minted money to everyone, every month. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The wedding ceremony and the reception

I had a video of the whole wedding and reception, but my DJ played music that was still in copyright, and Sony Music complained to YouTube. YouTube took the video down.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Remember those pictures of me and Susan Cohen that I posted a few years ago? Well, yesterday, I married her. Here's a link to the wedding ceremony.

The video was made by Leslie Hendricks. Here's a link to his website:


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Yesterday, my brother and I went to New York to visit with some of our cousins. We also visited the statue of Christopher Columbus. The statue, in Columbus Circle, at 59th St. and 8th Ave., has been on its pedestal for 220 years so they probably had to clean off lots of pigeon poop. Anyway, they built a scaffolding around the base and a living room like space around the statue itself so people could get a close look. Below, is a picture taken from the window of the living room like space. It shows 59th street, also known in this location as Central Park South. You see the buildings on the south side of the street and Central Park along the north side of the street.

Here's a picture of what the statue looked like before they built the structure around it so people could go up and view the statue from close up. I took the pictures above. The one below I got from Wikipedia.

Here are some pictures taken by my cousin, David.

Above is me and my brother standing in front of the statue of Chris Columbus. Now that I've seen him up close, I feel like I can be familiar with him and address him as Chris. Below is me with 8th Avenue, otherwise known as Central Park West in the background.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I'm now in an exclusive relationship with Susan Cohen. We've just returned from a trip to Holland and Belgium. Here's a picture of us on the river boat trip we took there. We saw more tulips than we'll see in the entire rest of our lives.

Here's how I looked last fall, before losing lots of weight.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Kathy and Chance in the park

My daughter, Kathy, and her son, Chance.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tummy Time

This photo was taken just a few days ago. That's me and my grandson. Chance is nearly two months old. Sometimes, he can already roll from his front to his back and vice versa. He looks around and seems to be taking in the scene. If you hold him just right with his feet hanging down, he seems to be getting some exercise by pushing on whatever surface, such as my belly, that his feet are touching.